Chinese translation for "to launch an attack"
- 发动进攻
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Cao cao , the king of wei , leads his army southwards to launch an attack on the state of wu 吴、蜀联合抗曹,蜀派诸葛亮到吴营出谋划策;曹令蒋干过江劝降。 | | 2. | In order to maintain close , accurate tracking and be able to launch an attack , the submarine ' s position must be accurate 因此,飞机对搜潜浮标的空间定位,将直接影响飞机对目标的位置和运动趋势的掌握精度。 | | 3. | The only way to launch an attack is to select the fleet number , select " attack " from the menu , then choose the target of the attack 比如,一支舰队的规模是3600 ,那么它将在到达目标前的3600秒(即1小时)内被对方侦测到。 | | 4. | Analyzing different pieces of watermarked data in order to launch an attack becomes impossible because of the lack of common characteristics in these pieces 由于密钥不同,不同载体没有可用于分析的相同性质,使攻击者难于破译水印系统。 | | 5. | The study , conducted between mid - 2002 and mid - 2003 , found no federal web sites that contained target information essential to a terrorist in other words , information a terrorist would need to launch an attack 上述为期一年的调查表明,没有任何联邦网站提供的信息是恐怖分子不可缺少的,也就是说,没有这些信息一样可以进行恐怖袭击。 |
- Similar Words:
- "to launch a fast counterattack" Chinese translation, "to launch a missile" Chinese translation, "to launch a rocket" Chinese translation, "to launch a satellite" Chinese translation, "to launch a suicide car-bomb attack" Chinese translation, "to launder" Chinese translation, "to lay" Chinese translation, "to lay a shion board" Chinese translation, "to lay an information against" Chinese translation, "to lay down arms" Chinese translation